Steps area explained

Your steps are automatically counted by your activity tracker, the activity tracker does not need to be activated, just be worn around the wrist.

To see your steps you have to have paired your activity tracker with the moveUP app. This pairing needs to be done only once. After you have to sync your activity tracker daily with the moveUP app.

Steps graph

  • Activity data from the past week is visualized in a graph.
  • The different colors only indicate the different days and have no further meaning
  • Activity is represented in number of steps.
  • You can use the arows left and right to see previous or next days in the graph.

Every activity with arm movement will contribute to the count. This means if you walk by pushing a stroller or a walker the steps may be undercounted. If you are ironing (arm movement) they may be overcounted.

Personalised step max

Every day, a personalized step maximum is displayed by a number and a red line. Try not to exceed the step maximum with > 20%.

The step maximum is not a goal! It is a limit to avoid overloading the operated joint.

Updated on March 27, 2023

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