What is a digitally supported rehabilitation journey?
Mobile technology allows for daily remote medical care before and after your surgery. Via a mobile application you keep your care team in the loop about your rehabilitation journey and progress. The head of your care team is Liesbeth, the hip coach of UZ Leuven. She will monitor your progress from start to finish. Based on your feedback via medical questionnaires and activity tracker, you will receive personalised exercises and advice from your care team. Via the chat functionality you can always reach out for any question or advice!

UZ Leuven uses the moveUP application to support their orthopedic patients before and after surgery. The moveUP application is intuitive and easy to work with.
How to get started?
1. Invitation to start moveUP
You made the decision to have surgery. That is the first important step that you will take in your patient journey. After your consultation, your surgeon will register you in moveUP.
Following registration, you will receive an email with an invitation to install the moveUP application. Follow the instructions in the mail to install the moveUP application. You will also receive a personal code to validate your registration. After validating your registration, the moveUP app will become active.
2. Fill in your questionnaires
Via the moveUP application you will be asked to fill in the first medical questionnaires for your surgeon and medical team. The educational modules provided in the app will help to better prepare you for surgery.
3. Information session
A well prepared patient often recovers better and faster than unprepared patients. It is strongly advised to follow the information session organised in UZ Leuven. In this information session, you will receive additional information on the surgery, your hospital admission and the rehabilitation journey.
4. Pre-operative screening
During the preoperative screening consultation, the care team of UZ Leuven will make time to go over all the important details regarding your surgery and rehabilitation. Make sure that you come prepared and address all the questions or concerns you might have about your surgery.
During the preoperative screening you will receive additional information on your digital care journey. You will be given the choice between a companion and a therapy care plan. For more info, see ‘your rehabilitation’.
5. Start your preoperative preparation
Two weeks before surgery, you will start using the moveUP application on a daily basis. You will receive a short daily questionnaire to start tracking your parameters. Your can always reach out to your care team in case of any questions about the surgery or rehabilitation.
6. Your rehabilitation
Depending on your medical history and how fast you recover, you will go home after 1-3 days in the hospital. After going home, your care team of UZ Leuven will start your daily monitoring. You have 2 option during your rehabilitation:
- moveUP Companion: You will follow physical therapy at home via the private practice of a physical therapist. The moveUP app will be a companion during your rehabilitation journey with information modules providing the right information at the right time. You will also use the application to track your progression via questionnaires. Based on your answers, a report is made for your surgeon. This way your surgeons has more insight on how your rehabilitation has gone when you see him during your post-surgery check-up.
- moveUP Therapy: Your physical therapist from UZ Leuven will monitor and guide you during the first 6 weeks of your rehabilitation journey. Based on your progression, you will receive your daily personalised exercises and activity advice. A doctor can always be consulted in case of questions on wound care or medication. Once a week, you will go to a physical therapist for a check-up.

In case you choose to follow the therapy care plan, you will receive an activity tracker (e.g.: Garmin Vivofit 4).
This activity tracker will be used to monitor your activity and give you feedback to avoid over-or under loading your postoperative joint. The activity tracker is reimbursed.
7. 6-week check-up at the hospital
If everything goes well, you will not need to come to the hospital until more or less 6 weeks after surgery. At your 6 weeks follow-up consultation with the surgeon, your surgeon will discuss the next steps of your rehabilitation journey with you. You might be cleared to stop physical therapy or asked to continue for a couple more weeks.
7. Long-term follow-up
Patients from UZ Leuven are asked to use the moveUP application at least until 6 weeks after surgery to monitor their progress. At 6 weeks, you will have your check-up with the surgeon. Based on your parameters, you can discuss with your surgeon or physical therapy wether you still need to continue using the application on a daily basis.
You will receive an email at 3 months, 6 months, 1 year and 2 year post-surgery to fill in medical questionnaires for your long-term follow-up. These questionnaires are developed to monitor the quality of care received and to make sure you keep progressing as expected.
Price and reimbursement
If you use the moveUP Companion app, this is free of charge.
If you use the moveUP therapy app, the medical team of physical therapists and doctors of UZ Leuven will monitor your parameters on a daily basis and adapt your treatment accordingly. You will also receive physical consultation sessions with a physical therapist in your neighborhood. The care received via the moveUP therapy care plan is partially (80%) reimbursed by your mutuality. The other 20% is reimbursed by your hospitalisation insurance (depending on your insurance terms and conditions).
More detailed info on the price of moveUP therapy can be found here: administration and reimbursement of my digital Therapy care journey
Telemonitoring and -rehabilitation is new for a lot of patients. It might raise some questions and/or concerns. If that is the case, don’t hesitate to let your care team know! You can always ask your questions directly to your care team in the moveUP application.
Are you not used to working with mobile devices? Or maybe still hesitant to start? Liesbeth, your hip coach will help you during your preoperative screening consultation.