When the active follow-up period has ended your moveUP app will be different. You are no longer actively followed up by a physical therapist. What changes in the app?
The app will consist of 2 tabs now: “Overview” and “Info” (instead of “Overview”, “Exercises” and “Questions”).
Overview tab
The message function will still be available for seven days. After one week the message function will be disabled. Your message history will remain available in the app.

moveUP journey card
The next block is your “moveUP journey card”. It contains your rehabilitation details, surveys that still need to be filled out and an option to review the exercises you have done with the app during the course of your rehabilitation

If you had more than one journey with moveUP, you can scroll down the page and find them all in separate cards.
Info tab
If you click on the info tab, you will find a page that is dedicated to frequently asked questions.

View app change
Here you can find an overview of what has changed as discussed on this page.

Do you have another active follow-up activated already?
In this case you won’t find your previous information in the overview tab. But you can still access your previous “moveUP journey cards” via the menu.
Go to the menu by clicking on the top left menu icon.

Choose moveUP journeys