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SimpLECare support: How to use simplecare compliance dashbaord

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to add new patients to the SimpLECare service:

1. Login to the compliance dashboard

There are different ways to enter the compliance dashboard

Login with your e-mail address and the password you’ve set during the registration.

2. Register a new patient

  1. Click ‘New patient’
  2. 2. Fill in the details of the patient and click ‘Save’
  3. There are 2 pathways 2 choose for the patient:
    1. The patient set his own injection dates: The patient receive an email to enter his injection dates: Choose ‘Simplecare onboarding
    2. The HCP set the injection dates: The patient only receive the reminders 14days and 1 day before the injection. The patient does not have to fill in their injection dates, nor they need to confirm when the injection is registered. this happens all through the hcp via the compliance dashboard: choose ‘Simplecare via HCP
  4. Patient consent:
    1. If chosen for ‘Simplecare onbaording’: The patient will give their consent before filling their first questionnaire
    2. If chosen for ‘Simplecare via HCP’: The checkboxes of the consent need to be filled by the HCP

2. Monitor injection dates

In the table you can see the injection dates of your patients. If needed you can modify these dates by clicking on a patient.

If you scroll down you can see the different actions you can do for the patients:

  • Information card: just some additional information on the patient
  • Date injection: here you can adapt the injection dates of the patient if needed.
    • If the patient is in the pathway that the HCP fills and confirms the injection dates it is also here . You can set a date for every injection and check the box if the injection is administered.
Updated on January 24, 2025

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