Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to add new patients to the SimpLECare service:
1. There are different ways to enter the onboarding website:
- Go directly to the onboarding platform:
- Via the portal (which you can find if you scan the QR-code on the brochure)
- Via the medical dashboard (which you can find in your registration mail)
Via the medical dashboard: click on onboarding in the left top
2. When in the onboarding platform:
- Click ‘New patient’
2. Fill in the details of the patient and click ‘Save’
3. Click on ‘SimpLECare onboarding by HCP’ in the green box and then click ‘Save’.
4. The button will change to ‘Next’. Click ‘Next’ to view the onboarding email that will be sent to the patient.
5. Click ‘Send selected emails’
The patient will receive an onboarding email where they can register and give consent.